covenant community church

you are loved.

worship with us


Our current worship series is on Awe, based upon the book Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life by Dacher Keltner. Join us as we delve into how our faith and questions lead us to awe—from nature to music, moral beauty and community.

1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 5 PM

Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church

who we are

From our very beginning in 2000, we were founded upon a vision of fostering authentic belonging, celebrating and including marginal identities—particularly gender and sexuality identities—experimenting with traditional worship, and inviting creativity and spiritual exploration. We’ve been working toward peace, justice, wholeness and celebration for over twenty years and today, we still believe God calls us to live out these values from our foundation. We hold fast to the vision of offering a church community where people can belong and experience the freedom to be our full selves, to know that each of us are beloved by God, and to co-create the liberating world that Jesus lived and died for. Reach out to Pastor Abbi Heimach-Snipes and sign-up for our newsletter below to learn more and stay connected.


There are many ways you can give to help support us. Donate here to give financially. We are so grateful for your generosity. You are helping us follow the ways we hear the Spirit calling.

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